Do you have repetitive and repeatable tasks that you do in Author-it all the time?
Have you calculated how much time you spend doing these tasks?
An Author-it plug-in might be the answer to automating these tasks and saving you hours of effort and money. You can concentrate on creating quality content rather than doing time-wasting work.
Segue Consulting have developed a number of plug-ins for organisations to make them more productive, increase the quality of their content, and reduce human error.
For example, plug-ins can:
- Automate tasks that you manually perform using the Author-it UI.
- Integrate with, and pull data from, external systems.
- Extract information from Author-it (for example, generate a list of all styles used in a book).
- Automatically send an email to a user when a topic’s release state changes to ‘Ready for Release’.
- Let users ‘watch’ objects so they are notified when an object is saved or its release state changes.
- Put shortcuts in the right-click context menu to embed commonly used graphics (for example, note icons) or paste topic contents (for example, boilerplate text).
Plug-ins can be developed both for On-Premises and Cloud versions of Author-it.
Do you have an idea? Contact us to discuss your requirements.