Home > Author-it Resources > Bulk Variable Assignment Plug-in

Bulk Variable Assignment Plug-in

Available for: On Premises
Download Installation files: See table below
Installation instructions
and help:
Installing the Plug-in
Installing the Licence File
Using the Plug-in

Version History

Version Date Released Changes Download for
Author-it Release
v3.12.0.0 2024-11-21
  • You can now apply styles when assigning variables to objects. However, be cautious of this.
  • You can now remove a variable assignment when using a CSV file.
v3.11.0.0 2024-09-09
  • Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2024.R4
  • Fixed a bug where if you were updating variables from a CSV file and the values contains a comma, the full value would not be assigned to the variable.
  • Fixed a bug when removing variable assignments, if the plug-in tried to update a locked object it would stop processing the rest of the objects. This is now fixed so a message is written to the log file but the plug-in continues to process the rest of the objects.
v3.9.0.0 2023-10-19 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2023.R3.1. 2023.R3.1
v3.8.0.0 2023-08-10
  • Now supports assigning and removing File Object variables.
  • Fixed bug where for non-multi-select variables values were being appended when the value should have been be replaced.
v3.7.0.0 2023-05-11
  • When removing variables, there is now a button so you can select all variables.
  • Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2023.R1.
v3.6.0.0 2022-12-16 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R5. 2022.R5
v3.6.0.0 2022-12-01 Fixed bug where if you assigned multi-assign variables to an object, when you tried to search for that assignment no results would be returned. 2022.R4
v3.5.0.0 2022-10-20 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R4. 2022.R4
v3.4.0.0 2022-09-19
  • Note: The format of the licence file has changed with this release. You must get a re-issued licence file from Segue Consulting for the plug-ins to work.
  • Now supports assigning multi-select list of value variables to objects.
  • Log files now have the name format of aitextrapi_[plug-in name]_[Author-it user name]_[yyyy-mm-dd].log.
  • Log file older than 30 days are automatically deleted.
v3.3.0.0 2022-08-22 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R3. 2022.R3
v3.2.0.0 2022-06-06 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R2. 2022.R2
v3.1.0.0 2021-12-01 2021.R2.0
v2.15.0.0 2021-06-07 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2021.R1.0. 2021.R1.0
v2.14.0.0 2021-05-03 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2021.M04.05. 2021.M04.05
v2.13.0.0 2021-04-09 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2020.R3.2. 2020.R3.2
v2.12.0.0 2020-12-17 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2020.R3.1. 2020.R3.1
v2.11.0.0 2020-11-30
  • By default, the plug-in log file is written to the Author-it log folder.
  • Updated help links to new Magellan help system.
v2.10.0.0 2020-08-17 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2020.R2.1. 2020.R2.1
v2.9.0.0 2020-07-13 Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2020.R2. 2020.R2