Version |
Date Released |
Changes |
Download for Author-it Release |
v4.7.0.0 |
2024-09-09 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2024.R4 |
2024.R4 |
v4.6.0.0 |
2023-10-19 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2023.R3.1. |
2023.R3.1 |
v4.5.0.0 |
2023-09-26 |
Fixed bug where the plug-in failed to re-authenticate (error in the Author-it log files). |
2023.R1 |
v4.4.0.0 |
2023-06-14 |
Fixed bug where if you use the '+' shortcut key to paste a topic as text and the topic you are pasting contains a table or embedded topic, the '+' you typed will remain in the topic even after the content has been pasted. |
2023.R1 |
v4.3.0.0 |
2023-05-11 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2023.R1. |
2023.R1 |
v4.2.0.0 |
2023-02-06 |
This release contains the following changes:
- Topics with tables and embedded topics can now be 'inserted as text'.
- You can now hide the Favourites panel (but still have the the quick insert keys working in the editor).
- Fixed a bug so when you change the location of the Favourites storage file all editor windows will be refreshed with the new set of favourites from that file.
v4.1.0.0 |
2022-12-16 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R5. |
2022.R5 |
v4.0.0.0 |
2022-10-20 |
- Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R4.
- Your Favourites are now in the editor window as a tab!
- If you have text selected and insert a hyperlink from the Favourites panel, the selected text will become the hyperlink text (rather than the description of the hyperlink). Note this doesn't work when using the shortcut keys.
2022.R4 |
v3.5.0.0 |
2022-09-19 |
- Note: The format of the licence file has changed with this release. You must get a re-issued licence file from Segue Consulting for the plug-ins to work.
- Log files now have the name format of aitextrapi_[plug-in name]_[Author-it user name]_[yyyy-mm-dd].log.
- Log file older than 30 days are automatically deleted.
v3.4.0.0 |
2022-08-22 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R3. |
2022.R3 |
v3.3.0.0 |
2022-07-20 |
- The objects' descriptions in the Favourites windows are refreshed with any updates when you re-start Author-it or if you right-click on an object and select the Reset description option.
- When using a shortcut key in the editor to insert an object and you have your preferences set so it will display the objects in their folders, if the folder is empty it will no longer display.
- You can now export either all of your favourites (from the File menu) or export all favourite in a single folder (right-click on a folder and select Export this favourites folder...).
- When importing favourites you can either replace all of your existing favourites or add the imported favourite to the end of your list.
2022.R2 2021.R2.0 |
v3.2.0.0 |
2022-06-06 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2022.R2. |
2022.R2 |
v3.1.0.0 |
2022-04-05 |
- By default, your Favourites are stored in the following file: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Author-it\author-it-favourites.json. When this new version is installed any existing Favourites will be retained and copied to this file. It is a good idea to back up this file. You can move or rename this file (using Windows File Explorer) and update its location by selecting File > Preferences... from the Favourites window and then updating the Favourites storage location.
2021.R2.0 |
v3.0.0.0 |
2022-02-10 |
- Configuration preferences for Favourites plug-in are now accessed by using the File > Favourites Preferences menu option on the Favourites window. There are also some new preference options.
- You can change the shortcut key for showing the Favourites window to insert a favourite from the editor (or disable the shortcut key altogether).
- You can show/hide the numbering on the context menu when the favourite's quick insert is triggered.
2021.R2.0 |
v2.13.0.0 |
2021-12-01 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2021.R2.0. |
2021.R2.0 |
v2.12.0.0 |
2021-10-25 |
- You can now use shortcut keys in the topic editor to insert your Favourites.
- Every time you add/remove/change a favourite, a backup of your favourites are saved in the Author-it log folder (so you can go back an import them later if you need to).
2020.R2.1 |
v2.11.0.0 |
2021-06-07 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2021.R1.0. |
2021.R1.0 |
v2.10.0.0 |
2021-05-03 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2021.M04.05. |
2021.M04.05 |
v2.9.0.0 |
2021-04-09 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2020.R3.2. |
2020.R3.2 |
v2.8.0.0 |
2021-06-09 |
Fixed bug where if you opened Favourites in a new library, the favourites from the other library are lost. |
2020.R2.1 |
v2.7.0.0 |
2020-12-17 |
Added ability to export and import favourites. |
2020.R2.1 |
v2.6.0.0 |
2020-12-17 |
Upgraded plug-in to be compatible with 2020.R3.1. |
2020.R3.1 |
v2.5.0.0 |
2020-11-30 |
- By default, the plug-in log file is written to the Author-it log folder.
- Updated help links to new Magellan help system.
2020.R2.1 |
v2.4.0.0 |
2020-11-17 |
- Favourites are now organised into folders.
2020.R2.1 |
v2.3.0.0 |
2020-10-30 |
- Window size and position is now saved when the window is closed.
- Icons are now used for object types.
2020.R2.1 |
v2.2.0.0 |
2020-10-22 |
- You can now reset your personal description back to the object's description.
- Added Options menu.
- Minor bug fixes.
2020.R2.1 |
v2.1.0.0 |
2020-10-19 |
- You can now update the description used in the Favourites window. This is only changed for you and the original object's description is not affected.
- New setting to keep the Favourites window on top (or not).
- Minor bug fixes.
2020.R2.1 |
v2.0.0.0 |
2020-10-01 |
Initial version. |
2020.R2.1 |